Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Test Cases

Writing test cases is a bit tricky. It depends in so many things like,
- Environment / Platform
- Possible cases / scenarios
- Testing time
- Budget
- Coverage
and many more.

All above points I wrote is context driven, the main tricky thing is your mind. When ever you are testing something your mind play in different direction and in the center is the testing object/application.
Main challenge is,
- How much you can write down in your test cases
- How much you will ignore in your test cases
- How much you will lost

I wish there will be a tool for testers which can track on testers mind so they can fetch their lost thoughts as required ;)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Field validation for Forms

Form validation is a very important thing, not only for the a guidance to the right user but also to stop hacking your web page. When validation is checking your input field for particular pattern of inputs then it is automatically blocking other kind of inputs to be given by the user. So very very very particular about your field validation although developers show their laziness to implement it but at the end it really reduce the work of developers. Happy testing :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Testia Tarantula

It is a Test Management tool, a must must must learn for QA people specially in Agile development. Very easy to use. It provide drag and drop options that made it to use simple. It have very good capability to generate test reports, withing some clicks and reports can be exported in PDF and Spreadsheet format. Tutorials to begin can be found in youtube.
If you are a Tester or Testing Engineer or SQA professional you should know Testia Tarantula and most awesome part it is Open. So enjoy :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Gatekeeper

My product owner said "Is the application is good to go?"
I understand he wants a simple answer like "Yes it is" but the answer is not that simple. I am facing this question second time as an agile tester. QA people be very careful to answer these types of questions, the answer will reflect your professionalism very much.
I answer him "According the positive use and user cases, application works fine, it worth a trial to start system testing in production". I can say he was not satisfied with my answer but its true. Being honest and responsible is two must quality a QA professional should and must have.
And for the first build in production of the application what happen? It is not working properly and correctly. So there they put finger on me and then I face a real challenging part to point out defects and problems(I am excluding the real defects here ;) and make it work properly on the second build. And now system testing is going on.

The main reason for this post is to show other QA peoples the importance and responsibility he/she bare in a software development phase and be very tricky to answer questions ;) best of luck all.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Just joined two new software testing community

I am following and gathering knowledge from uTest and Weekend Testing for some time, recently I joined two new community Quality Testing and Zappers. I am very much positive that these two community will help me be eligible for cutting edge software testing technologies and methodologies.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Boro Eid - 2011

It was a very good one, spend it with all of my family members, Allah gave new opportunities, most important thing is I had to give salamy more than I get, :P