Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bugs in User Story

My product owner just introduce a new type of bug to me, now I can assign bugs in user story, if I feel something is missing in user story, if some parts are missing in the user story to fulfill my test cases for satisfying coverage, to me personally I think a level upper than black box testing and in short to make programmers life a little bit more complex ;P

Friday, August 12, 2011

Feature not a Bug

A very common talk of Programmers in Agile when ever tester caught a Bug. What you are asking is require more work then ever and this is not something that the Product Owner did not wanted specifically, you can not add features by yourself. I am hearing these words everyday, from my team mates. Making my field narrower everyday, decreasing my productivity everyday, is it really needed?
For example I am finding 10 bugs for a sprint then I approve 8 from my Project Coordinator then 4 from my team Programmers, so at last I am reporting 4 bugs :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bringing Requirement in the table

A very common blame software programmers give to testers that testers bring new requirements for the application in Agile methodology practice. Bringing quality into a application and introducing new requirements is two very different thing. If you are a software test professional then you will face this problem. My advice at this point will be keep yourself calm, consult with your co-ordinator and do necessary things to do make programmers to work on your reported bugs. Remember a bugs success only depends only and only if it is going to be fixed, or it is valueless. And always be very strict to maintain quality of software :) Be strong

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Nice screen capturing tool for Linux

When I started to test applications in Linux environments, I started to miss Snagit a lot because it is not supported in Linux. Reporting bugs with specific and indicated images became nightmare. After a long long search then I found Shutter, A screen capturing tool. I find it very useful, this is a ongoing project many features will be added after final release but for now it is also very much workable. So, people who is  searching something like Snagit for Linux environment, here it is, have fun :)