1. Check prerequisite of Robot Framework
Write from command line
python --version
Output showed installed python version.
Write from command line
pip --version
Output showed installed pip version.
2. Install Robot Framework
Go to https://robotframework.org/ and read instructions.
Write from command line
pip install robotframework
It will download and install Robot Framework.
If required to uninstall already installed Robot Framework.
Write from command line
pip uninstall robotframework
If reinstalled right after uninstalling it than it will be installed from cache library.
To install a fresh copy write from command line
pip install --no-cache-dir robotframework
In order to upgrade installed Robot Framework, write from command line
pip install --upgrade robotframework
In order to install a specific version of Robot Framework, write from command line
pip install robotframework==2.9.2
3. Check installed Robot Framework
Write from command line
pip freeze
Output will show all python library installed list.
Write from command line
pip list
Output will show all python library installed list in a tabular form.
Write from command line
pip show robotframework
Output will show Robot Framework details.
Write from command line
pip check robotframework
Output will show Robot Framework requirement status.
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